Blastards patch

Contact Us!

2507 Maxwell Midland, Texas 79705
or send us e-mail at David Linebarger
Phone: 432-236-7777


Many of the Blastard members hold ATF Type 33 Licenses and possess some State and Local licensing allowing for low explosive (black powder) effects, aerial and open flame. Before hiring any pyro contractor, you should review the Air Combat Command website to see a list of the current people and organizations in the US that are approved to expend ordnance in conjunction with modern military aircraft. There website is: Also many of the Unit’s members hold the designation of “Shooter in Charge”. These experienced volunteers are referred to as the “SIC” of a show. The SIC is the responsible person for all pyro related to show. The Blastards operate under the umbrella of the Commemorative Air Force and can provide proof of insurance (including pyro coverage) upon request.

Commemorative Air Force

The mission of the CAF Blastards is to stir in the hearts of all Americans the spirit in which these aircraft are flown in the defense of our Nation. The team works to perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices that are made by those who have served our country so that we may continue to enjoy our freedom. Collecting, restoring and flying vintage historical aircraft for more than half a century, the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) ranks as one of the largest private air forces in the world. The CAF is dedicated to Honoring American Military Aviation through flight, exhibition and remembrance. A non-profit educational association, the CAF has more than 8,000 members and a fleet of 156 airplanes distributed throughout the country to 74 units located in 27 states for care and operation. For more information visit or call (432) 563-1000.

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